

Training program designed to offer a comprehensive understanding .

Anxiety, Depression and Suicide Prevention

The Diploma in Depression, Anxiety and Suicide Prevention is a training program designed to offer participants a comprehensive understanding of these issues, from their origin and causes, to their diagnosis, treatment and prevention. In a world increasingly affected by the pandemic and its consequences, knowledge about mental health has become essential.
In this diploma course, students will learn to identify the symptoms of depression and anxiety, and to differentiate them from other emotional disorders. The different therapeutic approaches will also be addressed and the most effective strategies for suicide prevention will be discussed. In addition, risk and protection factors will be analyzed, as well as the main barriers that prevent access to mental health services.

The program

Este diplomado está dirigido a profesionales de la salud, psicólogos, trabajadores sociales, educadores y cualquier persona interesada en profundizar en el tema de la salud mental. Los estudiantes adquirirán habilidades y herramientas prácticas para abordar estos trastornos de manera efectiva y para prevenir el suicidio.
En resumen, el Diplomado en Depresión, Ansiedad y Prevención de Suicidio es una oportunidad única para adquirir conocimientos y habilidades en un área cada vez más relevante en el mundo de hoy. Saint Paul International University se enorgullece de ofrecer este programa de formación de alta calidad, con profesores especializados y una metodología innovadora.

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